Sunday, April 25, 2010

Job Fair

One of the companies at the Job Fair that I picked was Jamba Juice. Jamba Juice is a place filled with several delicious smoothies of all kinds. They are known as being a healthy company for it’s ingredients and drinks they serve. At Jamba Juice what they look for in a potential employee is being relaxed and feeling comfortable. What they also look for in a potential employee is that they could give a bright smile to each customer. I do feel that this description fits me because I feel that I am a very nice person who could serve a customer properly and of course, with a sunny smile to the side. I think that once I get trained in a job like Jamba Juice, I will feel more comfortable with the people around me. In Jamba Juice there are no special skills required. Jamba Juice says “Come as you are…” They think that if an employee is friendly and comfortable in their own skin they will feel happy to come to work each day. I would need these skills because in the future if I get a bigger and more important job I cannot be shy; I need to be strong and out there. I will also have to be confident in myself in order to feel proud and not nervous. I have some of these skills, but not all of them. For example, I am a little shy when if comes to people and meeting new people, but its not like I would freak out and not be able to know what to do. I am confident in myself and feel comfortable when it comes to doing my job properly. I would like to work in Jamba Juice because it looks like it’s a welcoming and friendly environment to work in.

The second company at the Job Fair that I picked out was the San Diego Zoo. What the San Diego Zoo company looks for in a potential employee are being friendly, responsible, ambitious, and highly motivated. I do fit this description because I am a friendly person in life, when it comes to being punctual in a job or at school I am responsible and I come to school prepared. I am also ambitious and outgoing because I believe people should live their lives to the fullest. I am also highly motivated when I know I need to get something done and I do my best. The skills that are recommend for this job are being kind, patient, and liking animals. I do need these skills because in life people need to be kind with other people and being patient will make you a better person. I do have some of these skills but at the same time I don’t. I am a very kind and caring person, but sometimes I don’t have the patience when it comes to different situations. I would like to work here because I like animals and I am very curious towards them.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Looking Back

Back in 2007, when I was a freshmen, I felt nervous and excited at the same time. I was nervous because I was entering a new school with new people I didn’t really know. You see, I had only attended one school before Sci-Tech and that was pretty lame. I attended a charter school named King/Chavez and attended all years second to eight grade there. I was extremely nervous entering a new school with people I didn’t know. I was kind of used of seeing just a little bit of students at a small school. I was also excited because I was going to experience high school and meet new and different people. Now, if I were to move to a new school, I wouldn’t be that scare of nervous because I feel more comfortable. Back in nine grade, I was quiet and of course, a school girl. I was always ready to pay attention and do what I had to do. I would try to do all my work, focus, and pass all my classes. I would be that girl that would be in the classroom paying attention talking to no one. I would be quiet and I wouldn’t talk to anyone until they spoke to me because I was very shy when it came to meeting new people, but I was always friendly. I still am. Sure enough, my personality hasn’t really changed and I don’t look at it as a bad thing. The only thing that I think changed about me is that I became a little more mature and started to learn how to be more responsible for my own actions.

Friday, April 16, 2010

18 year-olds Service

I don’t belive 18 year-olds should serve 2 years of compulsory service, such as the military or the Peace corps because I don’t see the point or importance for it. Completing 2 years of service for the military or the Peace corps sounds really boring to me and I wouldn’t like to participate in it. Why would anyone make 18 year-olds attend a service that is not even reasonable or interesting? I mean, high school students have to had attended some community service in order for each of them to graduate. Isn’t that enough? I don’t really agree that 18 year-olds should have to complete 2 years of compulsory service. I mean aftera high school student graduates, they have many things and accomplishes they need to think about and achieve. When high school students turn into a college student, they’re time is limit. College students need to finish applications for scholarships, they need to attend interviews for jobs, and need to focus on their major classes. So you see, people who are 18 year-olds are busy people. They don’t have time to attend 2 years of compulsory service for no important use. I also think that they shouldn’t be forced into completing compulsory service because everyone has the freedom of choice. It shouldn’t be mandatory because you will be taking away their freedom. I mean if they would really like to participate on their own, that would be fine. I just don’t think it is right to take away a citien’s freedom becaues that would destroy human beings.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Voting post

If I had a 18 year old friend that had no interest in voting, I would not pressure my friend to vote. I would also respect my friend's own opinion, beliefs, or final decisons, but if I were to to try to convince my friend to vote I would start by explaining how it is a good thing to vote. I would tell my friend that maybe if he or she would vote, they would feel important because they get to make a decision towards the world. For example, when citizens of California vote, they are making a decision on whom gets to be president. And since they have a doing in making someone president, they are also making the decision of who gets to make important decisions in the world for better solutions. Then I would also say to my friend that he or she should vote because they could increase the percentage of the president they want to have. And if the president they actually voted for wins, they will feel good about it because they made a decision they wanted. I would even tell my friend that I will go with he or she to vote and that I would also look in to it more to know what we are doing. I would tell my friend not to feel pressure for voting the person he or she wants because since he or she is a citizen, they get to make thier own decisions and the one they desire to choose. I would be there for my friend in every step.

Written by Claudia Perez