Monday, May 10, 2010

Responsible Learner

I am a responsible learner because whenever I do something wrong and its my fault, I take responsibility and receive the consequences. For example, if I stay after school or decide to go out somewhere, I need to call my parents and let them know because if I don’t I will probably get yelled at. And I usually do call my parents and let them know everywhere I’m going. I am also a responsible learner at school because I try to get to school in time every morning. Its so hard to get up in the morning, but I need to be on time. I also go to school and learn and behave properly. laws.. Well, in the past I wasn’t a very responsible learner with community laws, but for now I follow the laws and don’t get in trouble. I am a responsible learner because I try to do my chores at home, finish tasks that are need to be done, and I also try to be as organized as I can. Being organized really helps me be on tops of things. It helps me get things done.

I am also a responsible learner because I am the kind of person that likes to keep everything neat and organized. I do put goals out there for me and hopefully accomplish them. For example, right now I am trying really hard to pass all my classes so I could graduate on June. Its really difficult because there’s so many things that need to be done, but I am being responsible my achieving my goal and staying after school for extra help.
I’m going to make it.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Technological Producer

Since I attend the school of Science and Technology, which is Sci-Tech, I am supposed to be a technological producer. One of the assignments that I have done as a technological producer has been some work I have completed from Mr. Mike’s class. In graphic design we have to work with the pictures he gives us and change almost everything of it. For example, I had to make my own logos in his class and design them however I wanted. On one of the assignments that he gave us a couple weeks ago, I made my own Hershey’s Kisses logo and had to present it to my classmates. What I did to change my logo into a more interesting product was that I made the theme as Valentine’s Day. I also changed the font and color and measurement of my logo.

I am a technological producer by also being able to type essays, creative stories, and present presentations. Back in 9th grade I had to make a newsletter in the computer and it was based on a government issue. I had to go to Publisher to set up my newsletter and make all the changes I wanted. I got to make my newsletter with all the different colors I wanted and got to put pictures from the internet. Making a newsletter made me a technological producer because it was a different assignment I had never done before. Until this day, I haven’t done a newsletter but it was a different way to experience using the computer.